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Baby Safe DIY Cleaning Supplies

Now that I have a baby, I'm super conscious about what I'm using to clean up at home. I want to make sure we have as little chemical products as possible - especially since Parker is on-the-move - so I started making some of my own items so I know exactly what is going into them.

SOFT SCRUB: our cleaning woman asked us to get soft scrub for the shower and when I looked at what was in that I was like no way! So I looked up how to make it myself. I found a super easy concoction through this blog:


1 cup baking soda

1/4 cup castile soap

1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide

1 large mason jar


1. In a medium-size bowl, combine the baking soda, castile soap or Sal Suds, and hydrogen peroxide. Stir until the scrub cleaner looks like thick glue.

2. Spoon the scrub cleaner in a large jar with a lid. Seal the jar. This cleaner will harden when exposed to air for a prolonged period of time. The scrub cleaner can be used immediately and kept at room temperature (in a sealed jar) for several months.

Note: It's important to leave room at the top of the jar for expansion. The cleaner will expand within the first 24 hours.

DIY FEBREZE: we have two pets, so sometimes we need a little something nice to spray on the carpet + furniture. I bought a little spray bottle and filled it mostly with distilled water then added a tbsp of baking soda and a few drops of lavender and a few drops of peppermint essential oils. It smells amazing and is super quick + easy to put together.

Store bought natural items:

For easy surface wipes, I've been using Babyganics All-Purpose Wipes - especially for on his play mat where people are always walking (though we make everyone take off their shoes now!). They also work great on kitchen + bathroom countertops!

All purpose cleaner - I absolutely love this Puracy green tea + lime cleaner. It smells so good and is plant-based + non-toxic.

For dish soap, we use Seventh Generation Natural Dish Liquid - there are no dyes or synthetic fragrances - any fragrance is either from an essential oil or botanical extract. I also make sure that I use a separate scrub brush for all of Parker's things.

Wood floors - I was struggling to find something good for our wood floors, but this Attitude brand came highly recommended - it's for surface, tiles + wood! So it's kind of an all-in-one, though I'm just using it for our floors. It has a very nice mild citrus scent. I love that it's not only non-toxic but also hypoallergenic and not tested on animals.

Attitude also makes a bathroom cleaner that I just bought but haven't tried yet. Working on getting rid of all harsh chemicals in our home one by one!

Lotion - after his bath at night, I give him a little leg / foot rub and use Earth Mama Angel Baby's Calming Lavender Lotion. This lotion is toxin-free, made without synthetic fragrance, phthalates or parabens and no petroleum products, mineral oil, Vitamin E or dyes. And it smells divine!

To further prevent the spread of anything yucky, we bought an air purifier for his room because I learned that furniture can give off toxins! We purchased this one and it has a few noise settings and we use the highest and it acts as his white noise.

I haven't transitioned all of our cleaning products, but it's a start!

*I am an Amazon affiliate for the products linked above and may receive commission if you purchase through my link.

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