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15 years ago, I would have starved myself.

15 years ago, I would have judged this girl. I also would have starved myself and

worked out for an extra hour.

15 years ago, I was a gymnast working out 20+ hours a week. eating 1200 calories a day. keeping a log of my food. being required to see a nutritionist and have my body fat tested.

15 years ago, I actually weighed more than I do now. I was eating a can of veggies for dinner and then binge eating before bed bc I was starving after a 4 hour workout.

THIS body, I love. THIS body created, grew, birthed and fed my son. THIS body is strong and loved and so well taken care of.

15 years ago I would NEVER have posted a picture like this bc I would have thought it was gross.

Today, I am grateful. I am blessed. I am HEALTHY. I work out to FEEL good not to lose weight. I don't count calories - in fact, I eat dessert every single night and I'm okay with it!

My body may never look like it did 15 years ago and that's okay. Because when I look at Parker and his perfection and what my body made ... how can I feel anything but love for this beautiful vessel I am living in. would I like a six pack? sure! am I going to torture myself to get there? no way!

change + progress happen over time. so long as I stay the course and keeping working towards where I want to go, I will get there. the six pack is going to have to wait since we want another baby soon - good thing my skin is still ready to go ;)

LOVE where you are. love who you are. and on the days where you feel you can't love yourself, know that there are people out there who do love you for exactly who you are, where you are.

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