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change doesn’t happen overnight.
Transform your life in 20 minutes
does DNA make a family?
loss of a family pet.
15 years ago, I would have starved myself.
Preparing for Baby 2 - IUI vs. IVF
I have to come out of the closet every single day
I've been self-conscious about my smile: teeth whitening review
one happy camper - Parker's first birthday.
extended breastfeeding. I never thought I'd be THAT woman.
toddler pancake muffins
Parker is obsessed with pancakes! And how can he not be - they're delicious! I try to mix them up so he's getting different fruits +...
cooking for a 10 month old - my fav cookbooks + recipes
photo by Alexandra Whitney I have people ask me a lot about where I get the recipes that I make for Parker (I post on my instastories all...
stay connected!
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