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shopping small - beautiful baby items: oliver + kit
I'm a big fan of shopping small - I'm a small business owner myself! So when Parker had the opportunity to be a brand rep for a small...

raising children in our world today.
In light of the horrific acts in Charlottesville, it got me thinking a lot about how I want to raise my children. We are taught from a...

mom guilt - the innocent truth of it all.
Mom guilt is real. And it kicks in right away. I didn't think I'd have to worry about it until my kid was a little older and I would...

the art of balance - work, mom, life.
Let me set the scene ... this post has taken days to write. That's just my new reality. And when I finally finished it (late last...

new mom essentials. what do you really need?
Shopping for your first baby is the most exciting and overwhelming adventure. There are SO many things! What do you really need? ...

a letter of love to my stress, anxiety & depression
I used to be ashamed to admit that I had depression. Stress ... well, I wore that one on my sleeve. On top of that, I would have...

our fertility journey - part 2.
So we left off with lots of needles (if you missed part 1, check it out here) ... Both Jordana and I were preparing our bodies for our...

breastfeeding - boob warrior.
Before having a child, I had this glamorous picture in my head of what breastfeeding would be like. It would be so simple and easy. I'd...

how did I get here?
First off, let’s set my current scene -- It’s 2pm, I’m still in my PJ’s, two coffees in, I just ate a PB&J sandwich (every since P was...

my vision for this space.
This isn’t going to be a typical lifestyle blog with beautiful pictures of me all made up and in flowy dresses. This is going to be me...
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